Josu Ozaita
GAIT · Member
Graduated in Social Anthropology from the University of the Basque Country (2015, UPV). He won the 2015 Juan San Martin grant with Jaime Altuna for his research on Black Night and Halloween parties. The book The Resurrection of Dead Pumpkins* (2018, UEU) was published. He has a master’s degree in anthropology from the University of the Basque Country (2017, UPV). The 2017 Jose Miguel Barandiaran grant was awarded to Edurne Urrestarazu and Josu Ozaita, whose research was published in book format: wine culture network (2019, Diputación Foral de Álava). The final work of the master’s degree was also published in book format, the last rite of the Sanfermines: the run of Villavesa (2020, UEU). The book Gau Beltza was published, a literary story based on research (2020, Txalaparta). In addition to his academic work, he has carried out other research: the book Piparra was created on the basis of research on the piparra of Ibarra (2020, Ibarra City Council). In Berastegi he did a study of the shepherd culture: He took the form of an anthropology book of the Pastoril of Berastegi BE! (2022, Berastegi City Council). He has also made several presentations and articles.