Gabriel Gatti
CEIC · Former Member, GAIT · Former Member
Gabriel Gatti is a tenured professor in the Department of Sociology 2 at the University of the Basque Country and he is acredited as a Professor by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (Social Sciences realm) since 2018. He coordinates the research programme Mundo(s) de Víctimas, where he has been the Principal Investigator of Mundo(s) de víctimas and Desapariciones projects. He is the Editor-in-chief of Papeles del CEIC, International Journal on Collective Identity Research, and he was the Director of the doctoral program in Models and Areas of Social Science Research. He has been visiting professor at Stanford (Tinker Professor), Sorbonne Nouvelle (Pablo Neruda chair), the EHESS, the CES of Coimbra and the Universities of Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Los Andes, Udelar and Chile. He has published the books:
- Surviving forced disappearance in Argentina and Uruguay (Palgrave Macmillan, New York),
- Identidades desaparecidas (Prometeo, Buenos Aires, 2011),
- El detenido-desaparecido. Narrativas posibles para una catástrofe de la identidad (Trilce, Montevideo, 2008; Uruguay’s Social Science National Award, 2010),
- Weak Identities (CIS, Madrid, 2007).
He has also edited or co-edited:
- Desapariciones. Usos locales, circulaciones globales (Siglo del Hombre, Bogotá, 2017),
- Sangre y filiación en los relatos del dolor (Iberoamericana Vervuert, Francfort, 2018)
- Un mundo de víctimas (Anthropos, Barcelona, 2017),
- La comunidad como pretexto (Anthropos, Barcelona, 2010),
- Tecnología, cultura experta e identidad en la sociedad del conocimiento (UPV, Leioa, 2009),
- La producción de la identidad en la sociedad del conocimiento (Eusko Ikaskuntza, Donostia, 2006),
- Basque Society. Structures, Institutions and Contemporary Life (Nevada University Press, Reno, 2006),
- Las astucias de la identidad (UPV, Leioa, 1999),
- Les nouveaux repères de l’identité collective en Europe (L’Harmattan, 1999, Paris).