Elsa Santamaría
CEIC Member, Former Member of the Consolidated Research Group
Elsa Santamaría holds a PhD in Sociology by the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU). Lecturer in the Department of Studies in Psychology and Educational Sciences at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), teaching mainly in the Psychology Degree and Labour Relations and Employment Degree and in postgraduate studies. She was a predoctoral fellow of the FPI-Training Program for Research Personnel of the Basque Government (2000-2004) and a visiting researcher at the Centre for Theoretical Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Essex (UK) in 2003. Her doctoral thesis in the field of sociology of work is entitled: Labor trajectories in the margins of employment. Experiences of precariousness in the processes of identity construction (2009), which received the “Prize Basque Social Reality” in 2010. She is member of Social Change, Precarity and Identity in Contemporary Society Research Group. She has participated in several research projects about Precarization processes in Basque Country and Spain. Her research focus on precarious work, employment policies, youth, gender and social inequalities. Her recent publications include: Precarización e individualización del trabajo, (2016), Barcelona: Editorial UOC (con Serrano, A.), Trabajo, jóvenes e identidad en un contexto de crisis de los referentes modernos: una aproximación a la figura del emprendedor,Papeles del CEIC, Vol 2015/3, (2015), (con Carbajo, D.), Jóvenes y precariedad laboral: trayectorias laborales por los márgenes del empleo, (2012), Zerbitzuan 52, and Trayectorias laborales en los márgenes del empleo: Políticas, subjetividades y experiencias de jóvenes en la precariedad laboral, (2011) Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco, Vitoria-Gasteiz.