International Conference “Cultural Backlash, Digital Extremism, and Transnational Networks: Unpacking the Global Surge of the New Far-Right” 23-24/01/2025 10-17 hr Bizkaia Aretoa CEIC, GAIT
International Conference “From Social to Political. New Forms of Mobilization and Democratization” 9-10/02/2012 Bizkaia Aretoa, UPV-EHU CEIC
Vulnerability Situations in Contemporary Societies 11-12/11/2010 Observatorio Vasco de la Juventud CEIC
Rethinking the Social in Times of Crisis. European and Latin American Experiences 23-25/09/2009 UPV-EHU CEIC
What Precariousness tells us about the Social. French-Spanish Dialogues 20-21/11/2008 CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) CEIC